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WMLL Umpiring Overview

Working as a WMLL umpire is a great way to make money while experiencing the game in a new way, having fun & helping WMLL!  If you’re interested in this exciting opportunity, please read the information below and in the WMLL Umpire Manual, then apply via the link at the bottom of the page.


To be eligible to umpire at WMLL, you must meet the following criteria:

  1. you must be 12 years-old or older as of August 31, 2024
  2. you must have successfully completed the umpire training required by WMLL (see below)
  3. you do not need to be a current of former WMLL player to be an umpire
  4. Umpires age 18 & older must undergo a background check

2024 Training

WMLL requires all new umpires to attend training before they are allowed to take a game.


  • 1st and 2nd year umpires are required to attend at least two training sessions
    • Session 1:  Sunday March 17th from 10:00am to 12:00pm at Edgewood High School’s Krantz Center gym (downstairs)
    • Session 2: Sunday April 7th from 10:00am to 12:00pm at Edgewood High School’s Krantz Center gym (downstairs)
    • Session 3 (refresher / make-up): Sunday April 14th from 2:00pm to 3:30 pm at West Madison Little League fields (inclement weather we will move to Vitense if needed)


  • Fall Season umpire training will be held on Sunday August 18th from 1pm to 2pm at the WMLL fields, 701 Forward Drive

The pay rates for the 2024 spring/summer & fall seasons are as follows

League Home Plate Umpire Base Umpire (spring/summer only*)
Rookie League Baseball & Softball $17 per game $14 per game
Minor League Baseball & Softball $19 per game $16 per game
Major League Baseball & Softball $22 per game $19 per game
Junior League Baseball $31 per game $28 per game
Senior League Baseball & Softball $33 per game $30 per game
*In Fall, Base Umpiring is done by Parent Volunteers
  • In the spring/summer season, an umpire working alone receives 1.5x the regular rate and is required to be the home plate umpire.
    • NOTE: If a parent serves as an umpire, the parent should work the bases (assuming there is one paid umpire who can do the plate.) The parent does not receive pay but new in 2024 the plate ump does receive 1.5x the regular rate.
  • An umpire whose game is cancelled at the field before it begins (e.g., sudden rain, forfeit) gets half the regular rate if they were at the field and ready to work the assigned game when it was canceled.
  • An umpire who starts a game which is suspended for any reason receives full pay.
  • An umpire who later completes a suspended game receives full pay.


Umpires select their own games to work via WMLL’s online Arbiter scheduling system (within established limits).  Umpires should arrive at least 15 minutes before the scheduled game time and must have on all equipment and be ready to start the game at the scheduled time.  If an umpire fails to show up for a scheduled game, they have 48 hours to provide a credible reason.  Failure to do so will result in a restriction on that umpire’s ability to sign up to umpire games in the future.



Umpires must dress appropriately and look professional – including wearing an official WMLL Umpire shirt (available at the concession stand for $8) & closed toe shoes. Male umpires must also wear a protective cup when working behind the plate.  All other protective equipment (mask, chest protectors, and shin guards) will be provided for use at games by WMLL. Umpires must bring their own ball/strike counter (available at the concessions stand for $4), watch, and pencil or pen to every game & must pick up a game card in the concession stand before heading to their field.


Umpires must be familiar with all the rules that apply to any league in which they are umpiring and should review the appropriate league rules before each game and have a copy with them at each game. 


Anyone meeting the eligibility requirements, may apply to be an umpire, but not everyone will automatically be selected.  Umpire commitment and availability will be key factors in the selection process


  • If you have questions or want additional information, please contact Andrew Hahn, WMLL’s umpire training & oversight coordinator at