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Mandatory Service & Opt Out Policy

WMLL’s mandatory service program provides families with many service options, and counts all volunteering towards satisfying the service requirement – including operating the scoreboard, helping in the concessions stand, announcing, and base umpiring (fall ball only for base umpiring).  It also reduces the burden on Team Coordinators, who no longer have to track team volunteers.  Our Team Coordinators are now asked to reach out to parents and encourage them to sign up for Dibs opportunities when there are openings that need to be filled.


To make the WMLL experience a great one for our players, while also keeping our registration fees affordable, WMLL requires families to satisfy a volunteer service requirement each season or to opt out of their service commitment by paying a special fee when registering.
– Families for whom the service requirement and opt out fee would be a hardship that would prevent them from playing can apply for an exemption by contacting WMLL.
– During Fall Ball, Challenger League parents are exempt from this requirement so that they can be available to attend to their child’s needs.

  • Spring/Summer Season
    • Service Requirement = 6 credits per player / 12 credits maximum per family
    •  Opt Out Fee* = $150 per player / $300 maximum per family
  • Fall Season
    • Service Requirement = 4 credits per player / 8 credits maximum per family
    • Opt Out Fee* = $100 per player / $200 maximum per family

* = If a family chooses to opt out of the service requirement during registration, they must do so for all their credits.  Also, a family is not able to "opt back in" later in the season if they want to change their mind and work volunteer shifts


A variety of volunteer opportunities exist for families to fulfill their service commitment obligation. 

Every service opportunity will specify a predetermined credit value that will be awarded to families that volunteer for that opportunity.  The credit value of each volunteer opportunity is based on the time requirement, skills needed, and importance.

Examples of volunteer opportunities with credit values: 

  • Board Member = fully satisfy a family’s volunteer credit requirements – view duties
  • Head Coach = fully satisfy a family’s volunteer credit requirements – view duties
  • Assistant Coach = 12 credits per team (Fall season is 8 credits) that the head coach may split between up to three assistant coaches – view duties
  • Team Coordinator = 6 credits (Fall season is 4 credits)  – view duties (note: Team Coordinators no longer have to track team volunteers but we do ask them to recruit families to fill open Dibs opportunities for their team's games)
  • Concession Stand Helper (at any game…not just your child’s games) = 3 credits per 2-hour shift 
  • Scoreboard Operator = 1 credit per game
  • Committee Member = credits vary based on details
  • Special Event Helper (Field Cleanup, HR Derby, Movie Night, Tournament Helper, etc.) = credits vary based on details
  • Additional Volunteer Opportunities = WMLL will actively look to add new volunteer opportunities throughout the season.  If a family member has a special skill or interest that they would like to use in satisfying their service commitment, please contact WMLL.

DIBS - new VOLUNTEER SERVICE management tool

Volunteering: New for the 2023 season WMLL is implementing SportsEngine for our league management.  Included in the SportsEngine platform is a volunteer management system called Dibs.  You will be able to browse Dibs opportunities by going to this site (Click Here) and you can Claim a Dib (How to Claim a Dib).  

Credit Tracking & Status Updates: Upon successful completion of a Dibs Item, a WMLL administrator will mark the Dibs Item Complete.  You will always be able to see your current status of earned service credits by logging into your account.  Note that Dibs is not accessible by the phone app.  You will have to login to your SportsEngine account on a computer.

Unfulfilled Credit Resolution: At the end of each season, WMLL reserves the right to have families buy out any remaining/unfulfilled credits at $25/credit and/or to add these credits to the families’ next season service requirements. All efforts will be made to help families complete their service requirement.  WMLL relies on volunteers to provide the very best program and appreciates everyone’s good faith effort to fully complete their service requirement.


If you have questions about anything related to the mandatory service requirement or opt out option, please contact Ben Stuart, WMLL’s Executive Director (