West Madison Little League (WMLL) encourages participation of all children, and acknowledges that some participants may require a modification or waiver of WMLL or Little League International (LLI) rules in order to participate in a manner consistent with their Gender Identity, irrespective of the gender listed on the child’s birth certificate. In such instances, WMLL will afford children who represent themselves as transgender children and/or children with a Disorder of Sexual Development the opportunity to request a modification or waiver of the rules in accordance with LLI policy & procedures.
For the purposes of this Policy and Procedure, the following definitions apply:
The Charter and/or the Tournament Committee (the “Committee”) at LLI considers all waiver requests to the Rules. The Committee will consider requests for a waiver to or modification of its Rules for an individual whose Gender Identity does not match the gender listed on the child’s birth certificate, upon the written request of the individual, their parent, or his or her legal representative utilizing the procedure for such request as outlined below. LLI and its participating local leagues shall adhere to the Rules until a waiver for the participant is submitted and approved in accordance with this procedure.
Length of Waiver
The Committee will consider a waiver request submitted on behalf of the child in the season in which the waiver was received by the Committee. Unless otherwise requested by the child, the Committee will consider and grant a modification of the Rules for only the season in which the waiver was received. If a child requests a waiver be approved for longer than a single season, the Committee, in its sole discretion, may extend the waiver grant beyond the season in which the request was received, including for the duration of a participant’s LLI eligibility. If any waiver is approved by the Committee to extend beyond the season in which received, then the Committee shall identify the length and terms of such approval in the letter resolving the waiver request.
Materials Required for Committee’s Consideration
In order to initiate review by the Committee, the child, his or her parent, or his or her legal representative, must deliver a written request for a waiver to the President of the local league. The child’s waiver request shall include, at a minimum:
Approval Process
Prior to participation, an athlete may seek review of his or her eligibility through the procedure set forth below. Once the waiver materials are assembled on behalf of the child, the request will be evaluated as follows:
Guidelines for Review
In order for the modification or waiver of a Rule to be approved, the Committee must first determine that the participant is living consistently with his/her Gender Identity. The Committee will rely heavily on the medical and/or psychological caregiver’s input.
The Committee may consult with the participant, his or her representatives and the individuals listed above as part of the Approval Process. Should the Committee find that consultation with additional individuals (e.g. school officials, District Administrators, coaches), is necessary for the Committee to make an informed decision, the Committee will first seek a confidentiality waiver from the waiver applicant’s legal guardian before any such consultation.
It is important to recognize that some transgender athletes may have undergone hormonal treatments or even surgeries, while others may not. This Policy and Procedure considers inclusion regardless of whether a transgender person has undergone any treatments or surgeries, recognizes that regulating access to LLI programs based on such medical treatment is not necessary, unfair and overly complicated for this age level of competition.
Permitted Time for Committee’s Decision
Any child seeking a waiver request under this waiver procedure should submit the request prior to the season, but if that is not possible, it should be submitted within a reasonable time after contacting his or her local league. The goal is to complete the process so that if a waiver is granted, the child would have little or no delay in participating fully in the program.
A request shall not be considered fully submitted unless it contains all of the required contents. The Committee will strive to render a decision on all waiver requests within a reasonable amount of time, and all such decisions should be rendered no later than three (3) weeks after the request is fully submitted and received by the Committee.
If you have questions about anything related to this policy, please contact Ben Stuart, WMLL’s Community Relations Committee Chair at communityrelations@wmll.org