The Challenger League is WMLL’s baseball league for boys & girls with physical & mental disabilities. Launched in 2009, our Challenger League offers an authentic Little League experience in an athletic environment structured to the ability of each player.
Every Challenger League player is paired with an able-bodied “buddy”. Each buddy provides encouragement & assistance to their player as needed on the field, at bat & in the dugout. The use of volunteer buddies allows the parents of Challenger League players to sit in the stands, watch the game and cheer on the players.
The 2024 season begins Saturday September 7th & runs for five weeks. All games are for 1.5 hours on Saturday mornings at the WMLL Battista Field – except for a special game under the lights. There also is a practice game in August , before which buddies, players & coaches will meet one another & review league essentials.
Challenger League buddies must be at least 11-years-old. Most are WMLL baseball & softball players, but this is not a requirement. Buddies who can be available for ALL Challenger League games are preferred, as players really count on having their buddy present. If you can’t make every game, you can still be involved as a substitute buddy.
To apply to be a Buddy simply fill out this Google Form Link. If you have questions, please email Challenger League Coordinator Randy Norton at
Click HERE for a WISC-TV News 3 feature on the Challenger League
Click HERE for an Isthmus feature on Jaden Weiss, a former Challenger League buddy